Mbali Hlongwane

Head of Technology

BEng. Systems Engineering, Cert. Azure Data Science Associate

Years of Experience: 8 years

Mbali’s career has been dedicated to advancing women in the tech industry. She has spearheaded several initiatives, designed programmes, and built a thriving tech community. Her skill set extends to project management, facilitation, and providing leadership within this domain. Her vision is to drive the economic, innovative and social development of Africa at large through developing and positioning women to participate in the tech transformation. Her overarching belief that one cannot run a good company or a good country without a woman involved speaks to her career trajectory where she has a gender-lens focus on tech by ensuring that 1 million women in Africa have tech skills to build solutions, start companies and take up executive roles in tech organisations by 2030. Mbali was recognized by Forbes magazine in 2020, won the Women in Tech award by the Durban Municipality, is an Orange Corner’s ambassador, an All Africa Students Union Guest in 2019 and a UN Women 2023 Partner.

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